• November, 2024 - Trout (Woodland's Rolling on the River from our Blitz x River litter in 2023), owned by Kathryn Baughman was awarded Winners Dog at the American Brittany Club National Specialty for a 5 point major to finish his Champion title, handled by his owner!
  • Novembe4, 2024 - Trout (Woodland's Rolling on the River from our Blitz x River litter in 2023), owned by Kathryn Baughman was awarded Reserve Winners Dog for a 3 point major at the independent specialty run in conjunction with the American Brittany Club National Specialty, owner handled!
  • August, 2024 - Feather (GCH Dogwood Hollow Wing and a Prayer) won the breed 3 times and went BOS 2 times at the Salem, VA shows, then went on to take 3 more BOS awards in NC and VA.
  • June, 2024 - River ( GCHB Dogwood Hollow's Woodland River Song) was awarded BOS at the Shenandoah Valley KC show, then headed to the whelping box 
  • June, 2024 - Apollo (CH Woodland's Take Off) was awarded Select at the Mattaponi Kennel Club show over ranked specials!


  • November, 2023 - Splash (Woodland's River of Dreams) made his very first appearance in the show ring in the 4-6 month beginner puppy competition and was awarded Best of Breed AND a Puppy Sporting Group First!  SO excited about this puppy's future!
  • November, 2023 - River (GCHB Dogwood Hollow's Woodland River Song) made her first appearance in the show ring since before puppies, and was awarded Select and BOS for a total of 9 GCH points!
  • August,2023 - Apollo (CH Woodland's Take Off) picked up a GCH major and a single point at the Greater Fredericksburg Kennel Club shows
  • August, 2023 - Apollo (CH Woodland's Take Off) picked up another 2 GCH points at the Northern Neck Kennel Club of Virginia
  • August, 2023 - After a 3 month break from the ring, Feather (CH Dogwood Hollow Wing and a Prayer) was awarded Best of Opposite Sex for two 5 point GCH majors at the Carolina Kennel Club shows!  Even better, she tested Eyes and Cardiac Normal at the health clinic at the show.
  • River whelped 7 beautiful puppies, 4 males, 3 females, all are spoken for.  Splash (Woodland's  River of Dreams) is staying here, and 2 other puppies are going to show homes.  Watch for them in the ring!
  • River (GCHB Dogwood Hollow’s Woodland River Song) has been bred to GCHG Dogwood Hollow Flashstorm MH!!  Puppies are expected early June!
  • March, 2023 - Feather (CH Dogwood Hollow Wing and a Prayer) is awarded BOS 3 shows in a row
  • March, 2023 - Apollo (CH Woodland’s Takeoff) is awarded Select over specials 4 days in a row, and tops off the weekend with an Owner Handled Group 2!!
  • Feb 18, 2023 - Apollo (Woodland’s Takeoff) is awarded Winner Dog/Best of Winners/Best of Breed from the classes to finish his show CH title!


  • Nov. 17, 2023 - River Song (GCHB Dogwood Hollow’s Woodland River Song) is awarded an Award of Merit at the American Brittany Club National Specialty
  • Nov 17, 2023 - Apollo (Woodland’s Takeoff) is awarded Winners Dog at the American Brittany Club National Specialty for a 5 point major!!!